Stuck at home learning

Here are some activities which will help support learning when individual children are stuck at home for any reason, including having to isolate after contact with a positive Covid case. If a whole class has to isolate, their teacher will provide work via Teams. You can still “top up” the learning with any of these activities if you wish.

First, some useful tools.

While your child is at home, they will benefit from some structure to their day. Here is a possible timetable that you could use.

Here is a quick-start guide to digital learning for parents and learners.

Stuck@home for 14 days?

Primary 1 Week 1

Primary 1 Week 2

Primary 2 Week 1

Primary 2 Week 2

Primary 3 Week 1

Primary 3 Week 2

Primary 4 Week 1

Primary 4 Week 2

Primary 5 Week 1

Primary 5 Week 2

Primary 6 Week 1

Primary 6 Week 2

Primary 7 Week 1

Primary 7 Week 2

Useful links (whole school)

This table contains links to activities for all ages across the curriculum.

Additional ideas for learning

First level (P2 to P4)

Second level (P5 to P7)